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Celebration Assembly - Friday 9th October

Mrs Hunt

Well done to everybody who earned a certificate this week...

This week's Headteacher's Awards:

Mars - Fred for always listening carefully in class.

Venus - Jenson for such an amazing performance in 'The Three Little Pigs'. You got into character and used good voice projection and expression.

Saturn - Thomas for using beautiful chalk techniques and working hard.

Jupiter - Emily for showing interest in all lessons and positively contributing to discussions.

Our Star of the Week is Archie in Jupiter for creating an autumnal decoration linked to Harvest.

Happy Birthday to...

Venus Class:


Housepoint Update:

Well done to all of our Houses for working so hard. The scores currently stand at...

Ash - 211

Beech - 157

Elm - 133

Oak - 130

Check back in next week to see how the scores have changed!


School Blog!

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