Stradbroke CE
Primary School
Rooted and grounded in all that we do, we prosper. (Ephesians 3:17, Psalm 1:3)
Early Help
At Stradbroke Primary School, we recognise the importance of early help to offer support to meet the needs of our children.
Early Help is everybody’s responsibility: together we will make sure that children, young people and their families are safe, happy and ready for school, work and life’s challenges.
Early Help means better outcomes for children and families. Effective Early Help can resolve problems before they become overwhelming and require high cost, reactive services. Early Help enables children to be ready for school and more likely to achieve their full potential.
We recognise the importance of working with families in supporting young people and although support within school is tailored to meet their individual needs, the following is a summary of potential interventions.
Our Early Help offer
Early Help Offer