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  • Mrs Hunt

Celebration Assembly - Friday 23rd October

Well done to everybody who earned a certificate this week...

This week's Headteacher's Awards:

Mars - Sophia for excellent addition work using part-whole models.

Venus - Louie for such careful and accurate maths calculations across all 4 operations - you star!

Saturn - Destiny for trying really hard with her times tables - keep practising!

Jupiter - Hollea for adopting a positive attitude both inside and outside of lessons.

Our Star of the Week is Lila in Venus who has been showing others about our value of Creativity by producing an amazing piece of art with responses to the work of Janet Weight-Reed and Paul Klee.

Happy Birthday to...

Jupiter Class:


Housepoint Update:

Well done to all of our Houses for working so hard. The scores currently stand at...

Ash - 318

Beech - 236

Elm - 287

Oak - 244

Check back in next week to see how the scores have changed!


School Blog!

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