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  • Mrs Hunt

Celebration Assembly - Friday 20th November

Well done to everybody who earned a certificate this week...

This week's Headteacher's Awards:

Mars - Elliot for excellent 2D shape work in maths.

Venus - Eva for consistently producing such high quality work and supporting her classmates during group work.

Saturn - Jayden for working really hard in Geography to write about how London has changed over time.

Jupiter - Emily and Rose for showing humility and kindness during PE.

Our Star of the Week is Tilly in Saturn who has been showing others about our value of Humility being kind towards other children and always being conscientious.

Housepoint Update:

Well done to all of our Houses for working so hard. The scores currently stand at...

Ash - 580

Beech - 381

Elm - 574

Oak - 436

Check back in next week to see how the scores have changed!

School Blog!

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