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Celebration Assembly - Friday 13th November

Mrs Hunt

Well done to everybody who earned a certificate this week...

This week's Headteacher's Awards:

Mars - Phoebe for super writing about Remembrance Day.

Venus - Jasmine for such hard work and effort during handwriting sessions - improved pencil pressure and control.

Saturn - Jayden for becoming much more confident to share your ideas during class discussions.

Jupiter - Daniel for producing a beautiful Remembrance painting and applying himself to his geography work.

Our Star of the Week is Faye in Jupiter who has been showing others about our value of Humility by putting others before herself and always offering a helping hand.

Happy Birthday to...

Mars Class:


Saturn Class:


Housepoint Update:

Well done to all of our Houses for working so hard. The scores currently stand at...

Ash - 435

Beech - 316

Elm - 445

Oak - 356

Check back in next week to see how the scores have changed!


School Blog!

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