As we are unable to hold our whole school celebration assemblies at the moment, we are going to do a weekly blog to share in our children's successes and birthdays!
This week's Headteacher's Awards:
Mars - Ronnie for coming to school with a smile and playing happily with his friends.
Venus - Isabel for such focus, hard work and enthusiasm in every lesson! Such high quality work.
Saturn - Flo for a great start back to school, being smiley and asking for help when she needs it!
Jupiter - Leo for supporting others and encouraging them to do their best in PE and throughout the school day.

Our Star of the Week is Rose in Jupiter who has been showing others about our Value of Creativity by creating a fantastic and creative logo which advises people to protect God's creation.
We would like to say a huge congratulations to our Junior Road Safety Officers who were awarded Gold for all their hard work in promoting road safety last year.

Happy Birthday to...
Mars Class:
Venus Class:
Jupiter Class: