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Rooted and grounded in all that we do, we prosper. (Ephesians 3:17, Psalm 1:3)


Stradbroke Church of England Primary School is a small rural primary school set in the heart of the Suffolk countryside. It prides itself on being a friendly and welcoming school which promotes a positive Christian ethos.
The school is centred on providing a high standard of education for each individual child in a challenging and enjoyable environment. We also continue to develop our strong reputation for excellence in the Arts. In 2014 we celebrated our whole school Gold Artsmark status.
The staff and governors are dedicated to ensuring that our pupils are given opportunities to develop as social and well educated members of the community by providing and encouraging participation in extra-curricular activities and events, in support of the delivery of the curriculum.

We believe that the school will continue to grow and flourish as a major element of village and community life and will give our pupils the start in life they all deserve.


Mr Daryl Jones                                 Mrs Hannah Hunt
Executive Headteacher                    
    Head of School

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School Staff - Scroll using the arrows and click on photo for more info!

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