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Celebration Assembly - Friday 16th October

Mrs Hunt

Well done to everybody who earned a certificate this week...

This week's Headteacher's Awards:

Mars - Evie for fantastic independent writing about the 'Funnybones' story.

Venus - Barnaby for such confidence when speaking in front of the whole class and for great participation in partner discussions.

Saturn - Arthur for working really hard in geography locating rivers and seas of the UK using an atlas.

Jupiter - Ruby for being a fantastic leader in our debate.

Our Star of the Week is Josh in Saturn who has been showing others about our value of Creativity by thinking outside the box for his homework and designing his own Harvest service.

Happy Birthday to...

Venus Class:



Housepoint Update:

Well done to all of our Houses for working so hard. The scores currently stand at...

Ash - 279

Beech - 190

Elm - 200

Oak - 186

Check back in next week to see how the scores have changed!


School Blog!

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